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Our Youth Residence and Empowerment Center is Underway

Cement blocks were hand-crafted and set out to dry

Builders dig a trench and lay the foundation

A team mixes and paves cement to form the floor

Bricks are placed to form the walls

Help us complete the construction of the Youth Residence and Empowerment Center and sustain its education and empowerment programs

We're Building a Well

We're breaking ground on a new well in a village in Sierra Leone.
The well should provide clean water to the whole village for cooking, cleaning, and drinking, saving the villagers from long walks to the river and offer them consistent clean/sanitary (non contaminated drinking water.

Our Feeding Projects

Since 2004 we have hosted numerous feeding events and fed hundreds of people. By doing this, we provide imediate relief to the community as we carry out our long term plan with the Youth Residence and Empowerment Center.